move tag pills to info line
my vision...
The previous cache key was just the path, so files that are often common across git repos like '.gitignore' etc. show a cached "last commit" time from another repository. Pretty funny.
This uses the current plumbing.Hash.String():path as the key which should theoretically be unique to each repository.
Also reduces last time_us discard window down to 2 days.
Restyle commits in repo index and implement a separate commits page with pagination.
I'm bfg'ing this.
Custom lexicon for issues, issue state (open, closed) and issue comments.
The case with issue_at is a bit weird since we have a circular dependency: the issue record requires the issue_id, and the issue entry in the db requires the issue_at.
To resolve this we write to the db without the issue_at, fetch the issue_id, create the issue record on the PDS, and then update the issue_at (with SetIssueAt). It's not great, but whatever.
also fix nix builds