add chat interface
Bobby Grayson 3 days ago 1 files (+178, -0)
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@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@+defmodule Blog.Chat do+ @moduledoc """+ Module for handling chat functionality and message persistence using ETS.+ """++ @table_name :blog_chat_messages+ @banned_words_table :blog_chat_banned_words+ @max_messages_per_room 100++ @doc """+ Ensures the ETS table is started. Should be called during application startup.+ """+ def ensure_started do+ # Initialize message table+ case do+ :undefined ->+, [:ordered_set, :public, :named_table])+ initialize_rooms()+ _ ->+ :ok+ end++ # Initialize banned words table+ case do+ :undefined ->+, [:set, :protected, :named_table])+ # Add some initial banned words (these should be severe ones)+ add_banned_word("somedefaultbannedword")+ _ ->+ :ok+ end+ end++ @doc """+ Initialize the default rooms with welcome messages.+ """+ defp initialize_rooms do+ # Check if rooms are already initialized+ case get_messages("general") do+ [] ->+ # Add welcome messages to each room+ rooms = ["general", "random", "programming", "music"]++ welcome_messages = %{+ "general" => "Welcome to the General chat room! This is where everyone hangs out.",+ "random" => "Welcome to the Random chat room! Random conversations welcome!",+ "programming" => "Welcome to the Programming chat room! Discuss code, programming languages, and tech.",+ "music" => "Welcome to the Music chat room! Share your favorite artists, songs, and musical opinions."+ }++ Enum.each(rooms, fn room ->+ save_message(%{+ id: System.os_time(:millisecond),+ sender_id: "system",+ sender_name: "ChatBot",+ sender_color: "hsl(210, 70%, 50%)",+ content: Map.get(welcome_messages, room),+ timestamp: DateTime.utc_now(),+ room: room+ })+ end)+ _ ->+ :ok+ end+ end++ @doc """+ Adds a word to the banned list.+ """+ def add_banned_word(word) when is_binary(word) do+ lowercase_word = String.downcase(String.trim(word))+ if lowercase_word != "" do+ :ets.insert(@banned_words_table, {lowercase_word, true})+ {:ok, lowercase_word}+ else+ {:error, :empty_word}+ end+ end++ @doc """+ Gets all banned words.+ """+ def get_banned_words do+ :ets.tab2list(@banned_words_table)+ |> {word, _} -> word end)+ |> Enum.sort()+ end++ @doc """+ Checks if a message contains any banned words.+ Returns {:ok, message} if no banned words are found.+ Returns {:error, :contains_banned_words} if banned words are found.+ """+ def check_for_banned_words(message) when is_binary(message) do+ lowercase_message = String.downcase(message)++ # Get all banned words+ banned_words = get_banned_words()++ # Check if any banned word is in the message+ found_banned_word = Enum.find(banned_words, fn word ->+ String.contains?(lowercase_message, word)+ end)++ if found_banned_word do+ {:error, :contains_banned_words}+ else+ {:ok, message}+ end+ end++ @doc """+ Saves a message to ETS storage.+ """+ def save_message(message) do+ # Use timestamp as part of the key for ordering+ key = {,}+ :ets.insert(@table_name, {key, message})++ # Trim messages if we have too many+ trim_messages( message+ end++ @doc """+ Trims messages in a room to keep only the most recent ones.+ """+ defp trim_messages(room) do+ # Count messages in this room+ count = :ets.select_count(@table_name, [{{{"#{room}", :_}, :_}, [], [true]}])++ if count > @max_messages_per_room do+ # Get all messages for this room+ messages =+ :ets.match_object(@table_name, {{{"#{room}", :_}, :_}})+ |> Enum.sort()++ # Delete the oldest messages+ to_delete = Enum.take(messages, count - @max_messages_per_room)++ Enum.each(to_delete, fn {key, _} ->+ :ets.delete(@table_name, key)+ end)+ end+ end++ @doc """+ Gets messages for a specific room.+ """+ def get_messages(room) do+ # Create a match pattern for the room+ case :ets.match_object(@table_name, {{{room, :_}, :_}}) do+ [] -> []+ messages ->+ messages+ |> Enum.sort(fn {{_, id1}, _}, {{_, id2}, _} -> id1 > id2 end)+ |> {_, message} -> message end)+ |> Enum.take(50)+ end+ end++ @doc """+ Clears all messages from a room.+ """+ def clear_room(room) do+ # Delete all messages in the room+ :ets.match_delete(@table_name, {{{room, :_}, :_}})+ end++ @doc """+ Clears all messages from all rooms.+ """+ def clear_all do+ :ets.delete_all_objects(@table_name)+ initialize_rooms()+ end+end