add a chaos as fuck page
Bobby Grayson 2 weeks ago 2 files (+516, -0)
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@+defmodule BlogWeb.RainbowLive do+ use BlogWeb, :live_view+ require Logger++ @rainbow_colors [+ "#FF0000", # Red+ "#FF7F00", # Orange+ "#FFFF00", # Yellow+ "#00FF00", # Green+ "#0000FF", # Blue+ "#4B0082", # Indigo+ "#9400D3" # Violet+ ]+ @frame_interval 50 # 50ms between frames+ @max_radius 300+ @animation_steps 60+ @text_lifetime 40 # How many frames the text stays visible++ # Add DVD animation configuration+ @dvd_speed 2+ @viewport_width 600+ @viewport_height 400+ @logo_width 100+ @logo_height 50++ # Add new animation configs+ @bubble_count 15+ @star_count 5+ @spiral_arms 6++ def mount(_params, _session, socket) do+ if connected?(socket) do+ Process.send_after(self(), :animate, @frame_interval)+ end++ {:ok,+ assign(socket,+ rainbows: [], # List of rainbow states+ letters: [], # List to track letters and their positions/lifetimes+ play_sound: false, # Add this to track when to play sound+ # Add DVD logo state+ dvd_pos: %{+ x: Enum.random(0..@viewport_width),+ y: Enum.random(0..@viewport_height),+ dx: @dvd_speed,+ dy: @dvd_speed,+ hue: 0+ },+ # Add new animation states+ bubbles: create_bubbles(),+ stars: create_stars(),+ spiral_rotation: 0,+ spiral_arms: @spiral_arms,+ meta_attrs: [+ %{name: "title", content: "Rainbow Animation"},+ %{name: "description", content: "Bobby is doinking around with art and computers. type on the page to see the rainbow animation change."},+ %{property: "og:title", content: "Rainbow Animation shit started this lets see where it goes, it changes when you type on the page"},+ %{property: "og:description", content: "Bobby is doinking around with art and computers. type on the page to see the rainbow animation change."},+ %{property: "og:type", content: "website"}+ ],+ page_title: "Rainbow Animation"+ )}+ end++ def handle_event("keydown", %{"key" => key}, socket) when byte_size(key) == 1 do+ # Create a new rainbow+ new_rainbow = %{+ id: System.unique_integer([:positive]),+ frame: 0,+ x: Enum.random(-100..100),+ y: Enum.random(-50..50)+ }++ # Create a new letter with rotation properties+ new_letter = %{+ id: System.unique_integer([:positive]),+ char: key,+ frame: 0,+ x: new_rainbow.x,+ y: new_rainbow.y,+ size: Enum.random(50..150),+ rotation_speed: Enum.random(-10..10), # Degrees per frame+ rotation: Enum.random(0..360) # Initial rotation+ }++ {:noreply,+ assign(socket,+ rainbows: [new_rainbow | socket.assigns.rainbows],+ letters: [new_letter | socket.assigns.letters]+ )}+ end++ def handle_event("keydown", _key, socket), do: {:noreply, socket}++ def handle_info(:animate, socket) do+ Process.send_after(self(), :animate, @frame_interval)++ # Update DVD position and handle bouncing+ dvd_pos = update_dvd_position(socket.assigns.dvd_pos)++ # Track which rainbows are completing this frame+ {completing, continuing} = socket.assigns.rainbows+ |> rainbow ->+ %{rainbow | frame: rainbow.frame + 1}+ end)+ |> Enum.split_with(fn rainbow ->+ rainbow.frame >= @animation_steps+ end)++ # Set play_sound if any rainbows completed+ should_play = length(completing) > 0++ # Update letters with rotation+ updated_letters = socket.assigns.letters+ |> letter ->+ %{letter |+ frame: letter.frame + 1,+ rotation: letter.rotation + letter.rotation_speed+ }+ end)+ |> Enum.reject(fn letter ->+ letter.frame >= @text_lifetime+ end)++ # Update new animations+ updated_bubbles = update_bubbles(socket.assigns.bubbles)+ updated_stars = update_stars(socket.assigns.stars)+ updated_spiral = rem(socket.assigns.spiral_rotation + 2, 360)++ {:noreply, assign(socket,+ rainbows: continuing,+ letters: updated_letters,+ play_sound: should_play,+ dvd_pos: dvd_pos,+ bubbles: updated_bubbles,+ stars: updated_stars,+ spiral_rotation: updated_spiral+ )}+ end++ defp update_dvd_position(pos) do+ new_x = pos.x + pos.dx+ new_y = pos.y + pos.dy++ {dx, new_hue} = if new_x <= -(@viewport_width/2) + @logo_width or new_x >= (@viewport_width/2) - @logo_width do+ {-pos.dx, rem(pos.hue + 60, 360)}+ else+ {pos.dx, pos.hue}+ end++ {dy, final_hue} = if new_y <= -(@viewport_height/2) + @logo_height or new_y >= (@viewport_height/2) - @logo_height do+ {-pos.dy, rem(new_hue + 60, 360)}+ else+ {pos.dy, new_hue}+ end++ %{+ x: new_x,+ y: new_y,+ dx: dx,+ dy: dy,+ hue: final_hue+ }+ end++ defp calculate_arcs(frame) do+ progress = frame / @animation_steps++ @rainbow_colors+ |> Enum.with_index()+ |> {color, index} ->+ radius = @max_radius - (index * 40)+ arc_progress = min(1.0, progress * 1.2 - (index * 0.1))++ if arc_progress > 0 do+ generate_arc_path(radius, arc_progress, color)+ end+ end)+ |> Enum.reject(&is_nil/1)+ end++ defp generate_arc_path(radius, progress, color) do+ end_angle = :math.pi * progress+ end_x = radius * :math.cos(end_angle)+ end_y = radius * :math.sin(end_angle)++ path = "M #{radius} 0 A #{radius} #{radius} 0 0 1 #{end_x} #{end_y}"++ %{+ path: path,+ color: color,+ stroke_width: 20+ }+ end++ defp calculate_letter_opacity(frame) do+ 1 - (frame / @text_lifetime)+ end++ defp create_bubbles do+ for _i <- 1..@bubble_count do+ %{+ x: Enum.random(-300..300),+ y: Enum.random(-200..200),+ size: Enum.random(10..30),+ speed: Enum.random(1..3),+ hue: Enum.random(0..360),+ offset: Enum.random(0..100)+ }+ end+ end++ defp create_stars do+ for _i <- 1..@star_count do+ %{+ x: -400,+ y: Enum.random(-200..200),+ angle: :math.atan2(Enum.random(-100..100), 400),+ speed: Enum.random(5..10),+ length: Enum.random(30..60),+ hue: Enum.random(0..360),+ active: true+ }+ end+ end++ defp update_bubbles(bubbles) do+, fn bubble ->+ new_y = bubble.y - bubble.speed+ y = if new_y < -250, do: 250, else: new_y++ # Add subtle horizontal movement using sine wave+ x_offset = :math.sin((bubble.offset + y) / 50) * 5++ %{bubble |+ y: y,+ x: bubble.x + x_offset+ }+ end)+ end++ defp update_stars(stars) do+, fn star ->+ if do+ new_x = star.x + :math.cos(star.angle) * star.speed+ new_y = star.y + :math.sin(star.angle) * star.speed++ if new_x > 400 do+ # Reset star to start position with new random values+ %{star |+ x: -400,+ y: Enum.random(-200..200),+ angle: :math.atan2(Enum.random(-100..100), 400),+ hue: Enum.random(0..360)+ }+ else+ %{star | x: new_x, y: new_y}+ end+ else+ star+ end+ end)+ end++ defp generate_spiral_path(rotation) do+ points = for t <- 0..50 do+ r = t * 2+ angle = t * 0.5 + rotation * :math.pi / 180+ x = r * :math.cos(angle)+ y = r * :math.sin(angle)+ "#{x},#{y}"+ end++ "M " <> Enum.join(points, " L ")+ end++ def render(assigns) do+ ~H"""+ <div class="flex justify-center items-center min-h-screen" phx-window-keydown="keydown">+ <%!-- Add SVG filters for noise --%>+ <svg width="0" height="0">+ <defs>+ <filter id="noise">+ <feTurbulence+ type="fractalNoise"+ baseFrequency="0.6"+ numOctaves="3"+ seed="1"+ >+ <animate+ attributeName="seed"+ from="1"+ to="100"+ dur="3s"+ repeatCount="indefinite"+ />+ </feTurbulence>+ <feColorMatrix type="saturate" values="0"/>+ <feBlend mode="multiply" in2="SourceGraphic"/>+ </filter>++ <%!-- Add shine effect for DVD logo --%>+ <filter id="shine">+ <feGaussianBlur in="SourceAlpha" stdDeviation="2" result="blur"/>+ <feSpecularLighting in="blur" surfaceScale="5" specularConstant="1" specularExponent="20" result="spec">+ <fePointLight x="-5000" y="-10000" z="20000"/>+ </feSpecularLighting>+ <feComposite in="SourceGraphic" in2="spec" operator="arithmetic" k1="0" k2="1" k3="1" k4="0"/>+ </filter>+ </defs>+ </svg>++ <%!-- Background with noise --%>+ <div class="absolute inset-0 bg-gray-900 animate-noise">+ <style>+ @keyframes shift {+ from {+ filter: url(#noise) hue-rotate(0deg);+ opacity: 0.3;+ }+ to {+ filter: url(#noise) hue-rotate(360deg);+ opacity: 0.4;+ }+ }+ .animate-noise {+ animation: shift 20s linear infinite;+ background: linear-gradient(+ 45deg,+ rgba(20, 20, 30, 0.9),+ rgba(40, 40, 60, 0.9)+ );+ }+ </style>+ </div>++ <%!-- Main content with DVD logo --%>+ <svg width="100%" height="100vh" viewBox="-300 -200 600 400" style="position: relative; z-index: 1;">+ <%!-- DVD Logo --%>+ <g transform={"translate(#{@dvd_pos.x}, #{@dvd_pos.y})"}>+ <path+ d="M-50,-25 h100 v50 h-100 z M-30,-15 L-10,15 H10 L30,-15 H-30 Z M-20,0 h40 M-25,-10 h50"+ fill={"hsl(#{@dvd_pos.hue}, 100%, 70%)"}+ filter="url(#shine)"+ style="transform-origin: center; transform: scale(0.8);"+ >+ <animate+ attributeName="opacity"+ values="0.8;1;0.8"+ dur="2s"+ repeatCount="indefinite"+ />+ </path>+ <text+ x="0"+ y="5"+ text-anchor="middle"+ fill="white"+ font-family="Arial Black"+ font-size="20"+ filter="url(#shine)"+ >DVD</text>+ </g>++ <%!-- Floating Bubbles --%>+ <%= for bubble <- @bubbles do %>+ <circle+ cx={bubble.x}+ cy={bubble.y}+ r={bubble.size}+ fill={"hsla(#{bubble.hue}, 100%, 70%, 0.6)"}+ filter="url(#shine)"+ >+ <animate+ attributeName="r"+ values={"#{bubble.size};#{bubble.size * 1.2};#{bubble.size}"}+ dur="2s"+ repeatCount="indefinite"+ begin={"#{bubble.offset}ms"}+ />+ </circle>+ <% end %>++ <%!-- Shooting Stars --%>+ <%= for star <- @stars do %>+ <g transform={"translate(#{star.x}, #{star.y})"}>+ <path+ d={"M0,0 L#{star.length},0"}+ stroke={"hsl(#{star.hue}, 100%, 70%)"}+ stroke-width="2"+ transform={"rotate(#{:math.atan2(:math.sin(star.angle), :math.cos(star.angle)) * 180 / :math.pi})"}+ >+ <animate+ attributeName="stroke-width"+ values="2;4;2"+ dur="0.5s"+ repeatCount="indefinite"+ />+ </path>+ </g>+ <% end %>++ <%!-- Pulsing Spiral --%>+ <%= for i <- 0..(@spiral_arms - 1) do %>+ <path+ d={generate_spiral_path(i * 360 / @spiral_arms + @spiral_rotation)}+ stroke={"hsl(#{i * 360 / @spiral_arms}, 100%, 70%)"}+ stroke-width="2"+ fill="none"+ opacity="0.5"+ >+ <animate+ attributeName="stroke-width"+ values="2;4;2"+ dur="1s"+ repeatCount="indefinite"+ begin={"#{i * 150}ms"}+ />+ </path>+ <% end %>++ <%!-- Keep existing rainbows and letters --%>+ <%= for rainbow <- @rainbows do %>+ <g transform={"translate(#{rainbow.x}, #{rainbow.y})"}>+ <%= for arc <- calculate_arcs(rainbow.frame) do %>+ <path+ d={arc.path}+ stroke={arc.color}+ stroke-width={arc.stroke_width}+ fill="none"+ />+ <% end %>+ </g>+ <% end %>+ <%= for letter <- @letters do %>+ <text+ x={letter.x}+ y={letter.y}+ font-size={letter.size}+ fill="white"+ text-anchor="middle"+ dominant-baseline="middle"+ opacity={calculate_letter_opacity(letter.frame)}+ transform={"rotate(#{letter.rotation}, #{letter.x}, #{letter.y})"}+ >+ <%= letter.char %>+ </text>+ <% end %>+ </svg>++ <%!-- Keep existing script and sound trigger --%>+ <script>+ let audioCtx;++ // Initialize audio context on first user interaction+ window.addEventListener('keydown', () => {+ if (!audioCtx) {+ audioCtx = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();+ }+ });++ // Function to play a pleasant chime sound+ function playChime() {+ if (!audioCtx) {+ audioCtx = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();+ }++ const oscillator = audioCtx.createOscillator();+ const gainNode = audioCtx.createGain();++ oscillator.connect(gainNode);+ gainNode.connect(audioCtx.destination);++ oscillator.frequency.setValueAtTime(523.25, audioCtx.currentTime);+ oscillator.type = 'sine';++ gainNode.gain.setValueAtTime(0, audioCtx.currentTime);+ gainNode.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(0.3, audioCtx.currentTime + 0.01);+ gainNode.gain.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(0.001, audioCtx.currentTime + 0.3);++ oscillator.start();+ oscillator.stop(audioCtx.currentTime + 0.3);+ }++ // Watch for changes to play_sound+ let lastPlaySound = false;+ const observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {+ mutations.forEach(function(mutation) {+ if (mutation.type === "attributes" && mutation.attributeName === "data-play-sound") {+ const shouldPlay ="data-play-sound") === "true";+ if (shouldPlay && !lastPlaySound) {+ playChime();+ }+ lastPlaySound = shouldPlay;+ }+ });+ });++ // Start observing when the element is available+ document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {+ const trigger = document.getElementById('sound-trigger');+ if (trigger) {+ observer.observe(trigger, {+ attributes: true,+ attributeFilter: ['data-play-sound']+ });+ }+ });+ </script>++ <div id="sound-trigger" data-play-sound={@play_sound} phx-update="ignore"></div>+ </div>+ """+ end+end
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ live "/muenster", MuensterLivelive "/faketweets", FakeTweetsLivelive "/vim", VimTweetsLivelive "/keylogger", KeyloggerLive+ live "/rainbow", RainbowLive, :indexend# Other scopes may use custom stacks.