Bobby Grayson 1 day ago 1 files (+107, -0)
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@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@+defmodule Blog.PythonRunner do+ @moduledoc """+ Module for interacting with Python code using Pythonx.+ """+ require Logger++ @doc """+ Initializes the Python interpreter with minimal configuration.+ This only needs to be called once per application start.+ """+ def init_python do+ try do+ # Check if Python is already initialized+ # This is idempotent - safely handles being called multiple times+ config_str = """+ [project]+ name = "python_demo"+ version = "0.0.1"+ requires-python = ">=3.8"+ """++ # Log the environment variables to help with debugging+ python_path = System.get_env("PYTHONX_PYTHON_PATH", "not set")+ cache_dir = System.get_env("PYTHONX_CACHE_DIR", "not set")++ # Use uv_init without options - relying on environment variables+ Pythonx.uv_init(config_str)+ :ok+ rescue+ e in RuntimeError ->+ if String.contains?(Exception.message(e), "already been initialized") do+ Logger.info("Python interpreter was already initialized, continuing")+ :ok+ else+ Logger.error("Failed to initialize Python: #{Exception.message(e)}")+ {:error, Exception.message(e)}+ end++ e ->+ Logger.error("Unexpected error initializing Python: #{inspect(e)}")+ {:error, inspect(e)}+ end+ end++ @doc """+ Runs a simple Python "Hello World" program and logs the result.++ ## Examples++ iex> Blog.PythonRunner.run_hello_world()+ {:ok, "Hello from Python 7!"}+ """+ def run_hello_world do+ case init_python() do+ :ok ->+ try do+ # Use eval/2 which takes Python code and a map of variables+ {result, _} = Pythonx.eval("f'Hello from Python {3 + 4}!'", %{})+ message = Pythonx.decode(result)++ # Log the result+ Logger.info("Python execution result: #{message}")++ {:ok, message}+ rescue+ e ->+ Logger.error("Error executing Python code: #{inspect(e)}")+ {:error, "Failed to execute Python code: #{inspect(e)}"}+ end++ {:error, reason} ->+ {:error, "Python initialization failed: #{reason}"}+ end+ end++ @doc """+ Runs a custom Python script with the provided code.++ ## Parameters++ * `code` - The Python code to execute as a string++ ## Examples++ iex> Blog.PythonRunner.run_python_code("print('Custom message')")+ {:ok, "Custom message\\n"}+ """+ def run_python_code(code) when is_binary(code) do+ case init_python() do+ :ok ->+ try do+ # Execute the provided Python code+ {result, _} = Pythonx.eval(code, %{})+ decoded = Pythonx.decode(result)++ {:ok, decoded}+ rescue+ e ->+ Logger.error("Error executing Python code: #{inspect(e)}")+ {:error, "Failed to execute Python code: #{inspect(e)}"}+ end++ {:error, reason} ->+ {:error, "Python initialization failed: #{reason}"}+ end+ end+end