Revert "bring in fractals but break the DOM"
This reverts commit abdda94aec86221aac7b483aa33fbee03ae7ad2c.
Bobby Grayson 2 weeks ago 1 files (+3, -74)
Changed files
@@ -31,10 +31,6 @@ @exhaust_particle_lifetime 40@exhaust_emit_interval 2 # Emit particles every N frames@exhaust_drift_speed 1.5- # Add these module attributes- @max_fractal_depth 7- @fractal_draw_interval 100 # How many frames between adding new points-def mount(_params, _session, socket) doif connected?(socket) doProcess.send_after(self(), :animate, @frame_interval)@@ -62,10 +58,7 @@ ],page_title: "lol start typing and see what happens",mouse_pos: %{x: 0, y: 0},exhaust_particles: [],- frame_count: 0, # For controlling particle emission rate- colors_inverted: false,- fractal_depth: 0,- fractal_points: initial_fractal_points()+ frame_count: 0 # For controlling particle emission rate)}end@@ -132,10 +125,6 @@{:noreply, assign(socket, mouse_pos: %{x: svg_x, y: svg_y})}end- def handle_event("click", _params, socket) do- {:noreply, assign(socket, colors_inverted: !socket.assigns.colors_inverted)}- end-def handle_info(:animate, socket) doProcess.send_after(self(), :animate, @frame_interval)@@ -211,26 +200,13 @@ |> Enum.reject(fn particle ->particle.frame >= @exhaust_particle_lifetimeend)- # Update fractal every @fractal_draw_interval frames- {new_depth, new_points} = if rem(socket.assigns.frame_count, @fractal_draw_interval) == 0- and socket.assigns.fractal_depth < @max_fractal_depth do- {- socket.assigns.fractal_depth + 1,- generate_next_fractal_points(socket.assigns.fractal_points)- }- else- {socket.assigns.fractal_depth, socket.assigns.fractal_points}- end-{:noreply, assign(socket,rainbows: updated_rainbows,letters: updated_letters,particles: updated_particles,dvd_pos: dvd_pos,exhaust_particles: updated_exhaust,- frame_count: frame_count,- fractal_depth: new_depth,- fractal_points: new_points+ frame_count: frame_count)}end@@ -290,38 +266,14 @@ stroke_width: 20}end- defp initial_fractal_points do- # Start with the outer triangle- [- {0, -150}, # Top- {-130, 75}, # Bottom left- {130, 75} # Bottom right- ]- end-- defp generate_next_fractal_points(points) do- new_points = for i <- 0..(length(points) - 2), j <- (i + 1)..(length(points) - 1) do- {x1, y1} =, i)- {x2, y2} =, j)- {- (x1 + x2) / 2,- (y1 + y2) / 2- }- end-- points ++ new_points- end-def render(assigns) do~H"""<div class="flex justify-center items-center min-h-screen bg-gray-900"id="rainbow-container"phx-window-keydown="keydown"phx-mousemove="mousemove"- phx-click="click"phx-hook="WindowSize">- <svg width="100%" height="100vh" viewBox="-300 -200 600 400"- style={"filter: #{if @colors_inverted, do: "invert(1)", else: "none"}"}>+ <svg width="100%" height="100vh" viewBox="-300 -200 600 400"><%!-- Exhaust particles --%><%= for particle <- @exhaust_particles do %><circle@@ -406,30 +358,7 @@ ><%= letter.char %></text><% end %>-- <%!-- Sierpinski Fractal --%>- <%= for {x, y} <- @fractal_points do %>- <circle- cx={x}- cy={y}- r="1"- fill={"hsla(#{rem(@fractal_depth * 60, 360)}, 70%, 70%, 0.3)"}- />- <% end %></svg>-- <style>- @keyframes shift {- from {- filter: url(#noise) hue-rotate(0deg) <%= if @colors_inverted, do: "invert(1)" %>;- opacity: 0.3;- }- to {- filter: url(#noise) hue-rotate(360deg) <%= if @colors_inverted, do: "invert(1)" %>;- opacity: 0.4;- }- }- </style></div>"""end