clean it up to work with universal word filtering, everyone has to agree
Bobby Grayson 4 days ago 2 files (+84, -76)
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ """@table_name :allowed_chat_messages@allowed_words_table :allowed_chat_words+ @global_words_key :global_allowed_words@max_messages 100@topic "allowed_chat"@@ -26,6 +27,11 @@# Create ETS table for allowed words if it doesn't existif == :undefined, [:named_table, :set, :public])++ # Initialize the global allowed words set if it doesn't exist+ if :ets.lookup(@allowed_words_table, @global_words_key) == [] do+ :ets.insert(@allowed_words_table, {@global_words_key,})+ endend:ok@@ -73,28 +79,63 @@ endend@doc """- Stores a user's allowed words in the ETS table.+ Adds a word to the global allowed words list.+ """+ def add_allowed_word(word) do+ current_words = get_allowed_words()+ new_words = MapSet.put(current_words, word)+ :ets.insert(@allowed_words_table, {@global_words_key, new_words})++ # Broadcast allowed words update to all users+ Phoenix.PubSub.broadcast(Blog.PubSub, @topic, {:allowed_words_updated, new_words})++ :ok+ end++ @doc """+ Removes a word from the global allowed words list."""- def store_allowed_words(user_id, allowed_words) do- :ets.insert(@allowed_words_table, {user_id, allowed_words})+ def remove_allowed_word(word) do+ current_words = get_allowed_words()+ new_words = MapSet.delete(current_words, word)+ :ets.insert(@allowed_words_table, {@global_words_key, new_words})- # Broadcast allowed words update- Phoenix.PubSub.broadcast(Blog.PubSub, @topic, {:allowed_words_updated, user_id})+ # Broadcast allowed words update to all users+ Phoenix.PubSub.broadcast(Blog.PubSub, @topic, {:allowed_words_updated, new_words}):okend@doc """- Retrieves a user's allowed words from the ETS table.+ Retrieves the global allowed words list.- Returns a MapSet of allowed words. If no words are found for the user,- returns an empty MapSet.+ Returns a MapSet of allowed words. If no global list exists,+ returns an empty MapSet and initializes one."""- def get_allowed_words(user_id) do- case :ets.lookup(@allowed_words_table, user_id) do- [{^user_id, allowed_words}] -> allowed_words- [] -> def get_allowed_words do+ case :ets.lookup(@allowed_words_table, @global_words_key) do+ [{@global_words_key, allowed_words}] -> allowed_words+ [] ->+ # If no global list exists, initialize an empty one+ empty_set = :ets.insert(@allowed_words_table, {@global_words_key, empty_set})+ empty_setend+ end++ # For backwards compatibility - will get the global list+ def get_allowed_words(_user_id) do+ get_allowed_words()+ end++ # For backwards compatibility - will update the global list+ def store_allowed_words(_user_id, allowed_words) do+ :ets.insert(@allowed_words_table, {@global_words_key, allowed_words})++ # Broadcast allowed words update+ Phoenix.PubSub.broadcast(Blog.PubSub, @topic, {:allowed_words_updated, allowed_words})++ :okend# Private helper to prune old messages
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ def mount(_params, session, socket) do# Generate a unique user ID for this session if not presentuser_id = Map.get(session, "user_id", generate_user_id())- # Load the user's allowed words from ETS- allowed_words = MessageStore.get_allowed_words(user_id)+ # Load the global allowed words from ETS+ allowed_words = MessageStore.get_allowed_words()# Load recent messages from ETSmessages = MessageStore.get_recent_messages()@@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ end{:ok,socket- |> assign(:page_title, "Allowed Chats")+ |> assign(:page_title, "Community Allowed Chats")|> assign(:meta_attrs, [- %{name: "title", content: "Allowed Chats"},- %{name: "description", content: "Chat with allowed words filtering"},- %{property: "og:title", content: "Allowed Chats"},- %{property: "og:description", content: "Chat with allowed words filtering"},+ %{name: "title", content: "Community Allowed Chats"},+ %{name: "description", content: "Chat with community-managed allowed words filtering"},+ %{property: "og:title", content: "Community Allowed Chats"},+ %{property: "og:description", content: "Chat with community-managed allowed words filtering"},%{property: "og:type", content: "website"}])|> assign(:user_id, user_id)@@ -53,46 +53,27 @@ end@impl truedef handle_event("add_word", %{"word" => word}, socket) when is_binary(word) and word != "" do- # Add the word to the allowed_words set+ # Add the word to the global allowed_words setword = String.downcase(String.trim(word))- new_allowed_words = MapSet.put(socket.assigns.allowed_words, word)-- # Store the updated allowed words in ETS- MessageStore.store_allowed_words(socket.assigns.user_id, new_allowed_words)-- # Recalculate message visibility with the new allowed words- messages = calculate_message_visibility(socket.assigns.messages, new_allowed_words)+ # Use the new function for global word addition+ MessageStore.add_allowed_word(word)- # Update the socket with the new allowed_words and messages- {:noreply,- socket- |> assign(:allowed_words, new_allowed_words)- |> assign(:messages, messages)- |> assign(:add_word_form, to_form(%{"word" => ""}))}+ # We'll get updated words through the PubSub broadcast+ {:noreply, assign(socket, :add_word_form, to_form(%{"word" => ""}))}end@impl truedef handle_event("remove_word", %{"word" => word}, socket) do- # Remove the word from the allowed_words set- new_allowed_words = MapSet.delete(socket.assigns.allowed_words, word)-- # Store the updated allowed words in ETS- MessageStore.store_allowed_words(socket.assigns.user_id, new_allowed_words)-- # Recalculate message visibility with the updated allowed words- messages = calculate_message_visibility(socket.assigns.messages, new_allowed_words)+ # Remove the word from the global allowed_words set+ MessageStore.remove_allowed_word(word)- # Update the socket with the new allowed_words and messages- {:noreply,- socket- |> assign(:allowed_words, new_allowed_words)- |> assign(:messages, messages)}+ # We'll get updated words through the PubSub broadcast+ {:noreply, socket}end@impl truedef handle_event("send_message", %{"content" => content}, socket) when is_binary(content) and content != "" douser_id = socket.assigns.user_id- allowed_words = socket.assigns.allowed_words# Create a new message map (without is_visible - we'll calculate it dynamically)new_message = %{@@ -105,17 +86,8 @@# Store the message in ETSMessageStore.store_message(new_message)- # Get updated message list- messages = MessageStore.get_recent_messages()-- # Calculate visibility for all messages based on current allowed words- messages_with_visibility = calculate_message_visibility(messages, allowed_words)-- # Update the socket with the messages and reset the message form- {:noreply,- socket- |> assign(:messages, messages_with_visibility)- |> assign(:message_form, to_form(%{"content" => ""}))}+ # Updates will come through the PubSub channel+ {:noreply, assign(socket, :message_form, to_form(%{"content" => ""}))}end@impl true@@ -133,28 +105,22 @@ def handle_info({:new_message, _message}, socket) do# When a new message is broadcast, update the messages listmessages = MessageStore.get_recent_messages()- # Calculate visibility for each message based on the current user's allowed words+ # Calculate visibility for each message based on the current allowed wordsmessages_with_visibility = calculate_message_visibility(messages, socket.assigns.allowed_words){:noreply, assign(socket, :messages, messages_with_visibility)}end@impl true- def handle_info({:allowed_words_updated, user_id}, socket) do- # Only update if it's the current user's allowed words that changed- if user_id == socket.assigns.user_id do- allowed_words = MessageStore.get_allowed_words(user_id)+ def handle_info({:allowed_words_updated, updated_words}, socket) do+ # With shared words, we update for all users regardless of user_id+ # Recalculate message visibility with the updated allowed words+ messages = calculate_message_visibility(socket.assigns.messages, updated_words)- # Recalculate message visibility with the updated allowed words- messages = calculate_message_visibility(socket.assigns.messages, allowed_words)-- {:noreply,- socket- |> assign(:allowed_words, allowed_words)- |> assign(:messages, messages)}- else- {:noreply, socket}- end+ {:noreply,+ socket+ |> assign(:allowed_words, updated_words)+ |> assign(:messages, messages)}end@impl true@@ -239,7 +205,7 @@ ~H"""<div class="min-h-screen bg-gray-100 p-6"><div class="max-w-4xl mx-auto"><div class="flex justify-between items-center mb-6">- <h1 class="text-3xl font-bold">Chat, but only with words you allow</h1>+ <h1 class="text-3xl font-bold">Community Chat</h1><div class="bg-white rounded-full px-4 py-2 shadow flex items-center"><div class="w-3 h-3 bg-green-500 rounded-full mr-2 animate-pulse"></div><span class="text-sm font-medium"><%= @online_count %> online</span>@@ -251,7 +217,8 @@ <div class="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-3 gap-6"><!-- Left sidebar: Allowed words --><div class="md:col-span-1"><div class="bg-white rounded-lg shadow p-4">- <h2 class="text-xl font-semibold mb-4">Allowed Words</h2>+ <h2 class="text-xl font-semibold mb-4">Community Allowed Words</h2>+ <p class="text-sm text-gray-600 mb-4">These words are shared by all users. Any message containing these words will be visible to everyone.</p><.form for={@add_word_form} phx-submit="add_word" phx-change="validate_add_word" class="mb-4"><div class="flex gap-2">@@ -279,7 +246,7 @@ </span><% end %></div><%= if Enum.empty?(@allowed_words) do %>- <p class="text-gray-500 text-sm italic">No allowed words yet. Add some!</p>+ <p class="text-gray-500 text-sm italic">No community allowed words yet. Add some!</p><% end %></div></div>