handle more keys so the letters can be typed really nicely
Bobby Grayson 2 weeks ago 1 files (+18, -0)
Changed files
@@ -25,6 +25,24 @@ def handle_event("keydown", %{"key" => key}, socket) doLogger.info("Key pressed: #{key}")pressed_keys =case key do+ "Backspace" ->+ # first we reverse the string, and take the firts character+ <<_last_character::binary-size(1), rest::binary>> = String.reverse(socket.assigns.pressed_keys)+ # then since its reversed, and just that one sliced off, we have+ # effectively "backspaced" and we can now reverse the list again, and+ # we have the copy that the user desires, successfuly having reached their+ # backspace escape hatch+ String.reverse(rest)+ "Meta" ->+ # If it is the meta key, they aren't going to be able to+ # type a character, so we just skip it too+ socket.assigns.pressed_keys+ "Shift" ->+ # if its shift, we skip because the character that shift creates comes next,+ # e.g, shift + A comes along when shift and a are pressed but we just want the A+ # so, since we know its coming here, we skip the key itself and+ # trust that the next event will come+ socket.assigns.pressed_keys"Enter" ->socket.assigns.pressed_keys <> "\r\n"_ -> socket.assigns.pressed_keys <> key