implement chat
Bobby Grayson 3 days ago 1 files (+125, -1)
Changed files
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ alias BlogWeb.Presencealias Blog.Content@presence_topic "blog_presence"+ @chat_topic "blog_chat"# TODO add meta tagsdef mount(_params, _session, socket) do@@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ display_name: nil})Phoenix.PubSub.subscribe(Blog.PubSub, @presence_topic)+ Phoenix.PubSub.subscribe(Blog.PubSub, @chat_topic)idelsenil@@ -50,7 +52,10 @@ cursor_position: nil,reader_id: reader_id,visitor_cursors: visitor_cursors,name_form: %{"name" => ""},- name_submitted: false+ name_submitted: false,+ show_chat: false,+ chat_messages: [],+ chat_form: %{"message" => ""})}end@@ -65,6 +70,11 @@{:noreply, assign(socket, total_readers: total_readers, visitor_cursors: visitor_cursors)}end+ def handle_info({:new_chat_message, message}, socket) do+ updated_messages = [message | socket.assigns.chat_messages] |> Enum.take(50)+ {:noreply, assign(socket, chat_messages: updated_messages)}+ end+def handle_event("mousemove", %{"x" => x, "y" => y}, socket) doreader_id = socket.assigns.reader_id@@ -102,6 +112,49 @@ def handle_event("validate_name", %{"name" => name}, socket) do{:noreply, assign(socket, name_form: %{"name" => name})}end+ def handle_event("toggle_chat", _params, socket) do+ {:noreply, assign(socket, show_chat: !socket.assigns.show_chat)}+ end++ def handle_event("send_chat_message", %{"message" => message}, socket) do+ reader_id = socket.assigns.reader_id+ trimmed_message = String.trim(message)++ if reader_id && trimmed_message != "" do+ # Get display name from presence+ visitor_meta =+ case Presence.get_by_key(@presence_topic, reader_id) do+ %{metas: [meta | _]} -> meta+ _ -> %{display_name: nil, color: "hsl(200, 70%, 60%)"}+ end++ display_name = visitor_meta.display_name || "visitor #{String.slice(reader_id, -4, 4)}"+ color = visitor_meta.color++ # Create the message+ new_message = %{+ id: System.os_time(:millisecond),+ sender_id: reader_id,+ sender_name: display_name,+ sender_color: color,+ content: trimmed_message,+ timestamp: DateTime.utc_now()+ }++ # Broadcast the message to all clients+ Phoenix.PubSub.broadcast(Blog.PubSub, @chat_topic, {:new_chat_message, new_message})++ # Clear the input field+ {:noreply, assign(socket, chat_form: %{"message" => ""})}+ else+ {:noreply, socket}+ end+ end++ def handle_event("validate_chat_message", %{"message" => message}, socket) do+ {:noreply, assign(socket, chat_form: %{"message" => message})}+ end+def render(assigns) do~H"""<div@@ -129,6 +182,77 @@ </button></div></div></.form>+ </div>+ <% end %>++ <!-- Join Chat Button -->+ <div class="fixed bottom-4 right-4 z-50">+ <button+ phx-click="toggle_chat"+ class="group bg-gradient-to-r from-yellow-400 to-yellow-500 border-2 border-yellow-600 rounded-md px-4 py-2 font-bold text-blue-900 shadow-lg hover:shadow-xl transition-all duration-300"+ style="font-family: 'Comic Sans MS', cursive, sans-serif; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #fff;"+ >+ <div class="flex items-center">+ <div class="w-3 h-3 rounded-full bg-green-500 mr-2 group-hover:bg-red-500 transition-colors"></div>+ <%= if @show_chat, do: "Close Chat", else: "Join Chat" %>+ </div>+ </button>+ </div>++ <!-- AIM-style Chat Window -->+ <%= if @show_chat do %>+ <div class="fixed bottom-16 right-4 w-80 z-50 shadow-2xl">+ <!-- Chat Window Header -->+ <div class="bg-blue-800 text-white px-3 py-2 flex justify-between items-center rounded-t-md border-2 border-b-0 border-gray-400">+ <div class="font-bold" style="font-family: 'Comic Sans MS', cursive, sans-serif;">+ Blog Chat+ </div>+ <div class="flex space-x-1">+ <div class="w-3 h-3 rounded-full bg-yellow-400 border border-yellow-600"></div>+ <div class="w-3 h-3 rounded-full bg-green-400 border border-green-600"></div>+ <div class="w-3 h-3 rounded-full bg-red-400 border border-red-600 cursor-pointer" phx-click="toggle_chat"></div>+ </div>+ </div>++ <!-- Chat Window Body -->+ <div class="bg-white border-2 border-t-0 border-b-0 border-gray-400 h-64 overflow-y-auto p-2" style="font-family: 'Courier New', monospace;" id="chat-messages">+ <%= for message <- @chat_messages do %>+ <div class="mb-2">+ <span class="font-bold" style={"color: #{message.sender_color};"}>+ <%= message.sender_name %>:+ </span>+ <span class="text-gray-800 break-words">+ <%= message.content %>+ </span>+ <div class="text-xs text-gray-500">+ <%= Calendar.strftime(message.timestamp, "%I:%M %p") %>+ </div>+ </div>+ <% end %>+ <%= if Enum.empty?(@chat_messages) do %>+ <div class="text-center text-gray-500 italic mt-4">+ No messages yet. Be the first to say hello!+ </div>+ <% end %>+ </div>++ <!-- Chat Input Area -->+ <div class="bg-gray-200 border-2 border-t-0 border-gray-400 rounded-b-md p-2">+ <.form for={%{}} phx-submit="send_chat_message" phx-change="validate_chat_message" class="flex">+ <input+ type="text"+ name="message"+ value={@chat_form["message"]}+ placeholder="Type a message..."+ maxlength="200"+ class="flex-1 border border-gray-400 rounded px-2 py-1 text-sm"+ autocomplete="off"+ />+ <button type="submit" class="ml-2 bg-yellow-400 hover:bg-yellow-500 text-blue-900 font-bold px-3 py-1 rounded border border-yellow-600 text-sm">+ Send+ </button>+ </.form>+ </div></div><% end %>