fix print screen previews
Bobby Grayson 2 weeks ago 1 files (+19, -23)
Changed files
@@ -84,44 +84,39 @@ opacity: 0;animation: fadeIn 0.1s ease-out forwards;}+ /* Hide print-only content during normal viewing */+ .print-only {+ display: none;+ }+@media print {- /* Hide everything by default */+ /* Hide everything except print content */body * {visibility: hidden;}- /* Only show the content we want to print */- #content-of-letter,- #content-of-letter * {- visibility: visible;- }-- /* Position the content at the top of the page */- #content-of-letter {+ /* Show only our print content */+ .print-only {+ display: block !important;+ visibility: visible !important;position: absolute;left: 0;top: 0;width: 100%;- text-align: left;- white-space: pre-wrap;+ padding: 2rem;font-family: "Courier New", Courier, monospace;font-size: 14px;line-height: 1.5;- color: #333;- padding: 2rem;+ white-space: pre-wrap;+ color: black;}}-- .cursor {- display: inline-block;- width: 2px;- height: 1em;- background-color: #333;- margin-left: 1px;- animation: blink 1s step-end infinite;- }</style>+ <div class="print-only">+ THIS COPY IS PROVIDED WITH NO COPY AND PASTE AND IS ALL HAND WRITTEN BY YOUR COMMON HUMAN FRIEND+ <%= @pressed_keys %>+ </div><.head_tags meta_attrs={@meta_attrs} page_title={@page_title} /><h1 class="text-[75px]">Pressing: <%= @pressed_key %></h1><%= if @show_modal do %>@@ -154,9 +149,10 @@ <% end %><div id="content-of-letter" class="mt-4 text-gray-500" phx-window-keydown="keydown"><div class="mb-4">THIS COPY IS PROVIDED WITH NO COPY AND PASTE AND IS ALL HAND WRITTEN BY YOUR COMMON HUMAN FRIEND+ <div class="text-container"><%= for {char, index} <- String.split(@pressed_keys, "") |> Enum.with_index() do %><span class="letter-animate" style={"animation-delay: #{index * 0.005}s"}><%= char %></span><% end %></div></div>- <div class="text-container"><%= for {char, index} <- String.split(@pressed_keys, "") |> Enum.with_index() do %><span class="letter-animate" style={"animation-delay: #{index * 0.005}s"}><%= char %></span><% end %></div></div>+"""end