some stuff and idk
Bobby Grayson 2 weeks ago 1 files (+89, -7)
Changed files
@@ -26,6 +26,11 @@ # Add these module attributes@particle_count 12 # Number of particles per explosion@particle_lifetime 80 # How long particles live+ # Add new module attributes+ @exhaust_particle_lifetime 40+ @exhaust_emit_interval 2 # Emit particles every N frames+ @exhaust_drift_speed 1.5+def mount(_params, _session, socket) doif connected?(socket) doProcess.send_after(self(), :animate, @frame_interval)@@ -50,7 +55,10 @@ %{property: "og:title", content: "Type shit and hear sounds and see wild shit or whatever"},%{property: "og:description", content: "Bobby got high and made it so it looks wild when you press keys, theres web audio too but its broken."},%{property: "og:type", content: "website"}],- page_title: "lol start typing and see what happens"+ page_title: "lol start typing and see what happens",+ mouse_pos: %{x: 0, y: 0},+ exhaust_particles: [],+ frame_count: 0 # For controlling particle emission rate)}end@@ -100,11 +108,22 @@ {:noreply,assign(socket,rainbows: [new_rainbow | socket.assigns.rainbows],letters: [new_letter | socket.assigns.letters],- particles: new_particles ++ (socket.assigns[:particles] || [])+ particles: new_particles ++ (socket.assigns[:particles] || []),+ mouse_pos: %{x: 0, y: 0},+ exhaust_particles: [],+ frame_count: 0)}enddef handle_event("keydown", _key, socket), do: {:noreply, socket}++ def handle_event("mousemove", %{"offsetX" => x, "offsetY" => y}, socket) do+ # Convert screen coordinates to SVG viewBox coordinates+ svg_x = (x / socket.assigns.window_width * 600) - 300+ svg_y = (y / socket.assigns.window_height * 400) - 200++ {:noreply, assign(socket, mouse_pos: %{x: svg_x, y: svg_y})}+ enddef handle_info(:animate, socket) doProcess.send_after(self(), :animate, @frame_interval)@@ -149,11 +168,45 @@ |> Enum.reject(fn particle ->particle.frame >= @particle_lifetimeend)+ # Create new exhaust particles periodically+ {new_exhaust, frame_count} = if rem(socket.assigns.frame_count, @exhaust_emit_interval) == 0 do+ new_particles = for _i <- 1..3 do+ %{+ x: socket.assigns.mouse_pos.x,+ y: socket.assigns.mouse_pos.y,+ dx: :rand.normal() * @exhaust_drift_speed,+ dy: :rand.normal() * @exhaust_drift_speed,+ size: Enum.random(3..8),+ frame: 0,+ hue: Enum.random(200..240) # Blue-ish colors+ }+ end+ {new_particles, socket.assigns.frame_count + 1}+ else+ {[], socket.assigns.frame_count + 1}+ end++ # Update existing exhaust particles+ updated_exhaust = (socket.assigns.exhaust_particles ++ new_exhaust)+ |> particle ->+ %{particle |+ frame: particle.frame + 1,+ x: particle.x + particle.dx,+ y: particle.y + particle.dy,+ size: particle.size * 1.02 # Slowly grow+ }+ end)+ |> Enum.reject(fn particle ->+ particle.frame >= @exhaust_particle_lifetime+ end)+{:noreply, assign(socket,rainbows: updated_rainbows,letters: updated_letters,particles: updated_particles,- dvd_pos: dvd_pos+ dvd_pos: dvd_pos,+ exhaust_particles: updated_exhaust,+ frame_count: frame_count)}end@@ -215,12 +268,34 @@ enddef render(assigns) do~H"""- <div class="flex justify-center items-center min-h-screen bg-gray-900" phx-window-keydown="keydown">+ <div class="flex justify-center items-center min-h-screen bg-gray-900"+ id="rainbow-container"+ phx-window-keydown="keydown"+ phx-mousemove="mousemove"+ phx-hook="WindowSize"><svg width="100%" height="100vh" viewBox="-300 -200 600 400">+ <%!-- Exhaust particles --%>+ <%= for particle <- @exhaust_particles do %>+ <circle+ cx={particle.x}+ cy={particle.y}+ r={particle.size}+ fill={"hsla(#{particle.hue}, 70%, 50%, #{calculate_exhaust_opacity(particle.frame)})"}+ filter="url(#blur)"+ />+ <% end %>++ <%!-- Add blur filter for smoother particles --%>+ <defs>+ <filter id="blur">+ <feGaussianBlur stdDeviation="2" />+ </filter>+ </defs>+<%!-- DVD Logo --%><g transform={"translate(#{@dvd_pos.x}, #{@dvd_pos.y})"}><path- d="M-50,-25 h100 v50 h-100 z M-30,-15 L-10,15 H10 L30,-15 H-30 Z M-20,0 h40 M-25,-10 h50"+ d="M-50,-25 h100 v50 h-100 z"fill={"hsl(#{@dvd_pos.hue}, 100%, 70%)"}style="transform-origin: center; transform: scale(0.8);">@@ -233,11 +308,13 @@ /></path><textx="0"- y="5"+ y="0"text-anchor="middle"+ dominant-baseline="middle"fill="white"font-family="Arial Black"- font-size="20"+ font-size="30"+ style="font-weight: bold;">DVD</text></g>@@ -292,5 +369,10 @@ enddefp calculate_particle_opacity(frame) do1 - (frame / @particle_lifetime)+ end++ defp calculate_exhaust_opacity(frame) do+ opacity = 1 - (frame / @exhaust_particle_lifetime)+ opacity * 0.6 # Make them semi-transparentendend