do some weird dvd rendering shit i gotta bring back the fractals or make the letters come again now
Bobby Grayson 2 weeks ago 1 files (+73, -2)
Changed files
@@ -15,6 +15,13 @@ @frame_interval 50 # 50ms between frames@max_radius 300@animation_steps 60+ # Add DVD animation configuration+ @dvd_speed 2+ @viewport_width 600+ @viewport_height 400+ @logo_width 100+ @logo_height 50+def mount(_params, _session, socket) doif connected?(socket) doProcess.send_after(self(), :animate, @frame_interval)@@ -23,6 +30,13 @@{:ok,assign(socket,rainbows: [], # List of rainbow states+ dvd_pos: %{ # Add DVD position state+ x: Enum.random(-300..300), # Use integers instead of float division+ y: Enum.random(-200..200), # Match the SVG viewBox dimensions+ dx: @dvd_speed,+ dy: @dvd_speed,+ hue: 0+ },meta_attrs: [%{name: "title", content: "Type shit and hear sounds and see wild shit or whatever"},%{name: "description", content: "Bobby got high and made it so it looks wild when you press keys, theres web audio too but its broken."},@@ -51,7 +65,10 @@def handle_info(:animate, socket) doProcess.send_after(self(), :animate, @frame_interval)- # Update each rainbow's frame and remove completed ones+ # Update DVD position and handle bouncing+ dvd_pos = update_dvd_position(socket.assigns.dvd_pos)++ # Update rainbows (keep existing rainbow update logic)updated_rainbows = socket.assigns.rainbows|> rainbow ->%{rainbow | frame: rainbow.frame + 1}@@ -60,7 +77,36 @@ |> Enum.reject(fn rainbow ->rainbow.frame >= @animation_stepsend)- {:noreply, assign(socket, rainbows: updated_rainbows)}+ {:noreply, assign(socket,+ rainbows: updated_rainbows,+ dvd_pos: dvd_pos+ )}+ end++ # Add DVD position update logic+ defp update_dvd_position(pos) do+ new_x = pos.x + pos.dx+ new_y = pos.y + pos.dy++ {dx, new_hue} = if new_x <= -(@viewport_width/2) + @logo_width or new_x >= (@viewport_width/2) - @logo_width do+ {-pos.dx, rem(pos.hue + 60, 360)}+ else+ {pos.dx, pos.hue}+ end++ {dy, final_hue} = if new_y <= -(@viewport_height/2) + @logo_height or new_y >= (@viewport_height/2) - @logo_height do+ {-pos.dy, rem(new_hue + 60, 360)}+ else+ {pos.dy, new_hue}+ end++ %{+ x: new_x,+ y: new_y,+ dx: dx,+ dy: dy,+ hue: final_hue+ }enddefp calculate_arcs(frame) do@@ -97,6 +143,31 @@ def render(assigns) do~H"""<div class="flex justify-center items-center min-h-screen bg-gray-900" phx-window-keydown="keydown"><svg width="100%" height="100vh" viewBox="-300 -200 600 400">+ <%!-- DVD Logo --%>+ <g transform={"translate(#{@dvd_pos.x}, #{@dvd_pos.y})"}>+ <path+ d="M-50,-25 h100 v50 h-100 z M-30,-15 L-10,15 H10 L30,-15 H-30 Z M-20,0 h40 M-25,-10 h50"+ fill={"hsl(#{@dvd_pos.hue}, 100%, 70%)"}+ style="transform-origin: center; transform: scale(0.8);"+ >+ <animate+ attributeName="opacity"+ values="0.8;1;0.8"+ dur="2s"+ repeatCount="indefinite"+ />+ </path>+ <text+ x="0"+ y="5"+ text-anchor="middle"+ fill="white"+ font-family="Arial Black"+ font-size="20"+ >DVD</text>+ </g>++ <%!-- Keep existing rainbow rendering --%><%= for rainbow <- @rainbows do %><g transform={"translate(#{rainbow.x}, #{rainbow.y})"}><%= for arc <- calculate_arcs(rainbow.frame) do %>