a collection of lightweight TypeScript packages for AT Protocol, the protocol powering Bluesky, featuring:
- an API client for making typed HTTP requests, with support for lexicons like WhiteWind or Bluemoji
- an OAuth client for SPA applications for authentication use-cases
- a grab bag of utility packages:
- codec libraries for DASL data formats, a strict subset of IPLD specifications, like CIDv1, DAG-CBOR and CAR, but tailored specifically for atproto
- codec for atproto’s timestamp identifiers
- cryptography library for signing and verification of signatures in atproto
- schema validators for DID documents, and verification of did:plc operations
- Bluesky-specific helpers like a rich text builder and a post thread builder
looking for more? check out skyware, an additional collection of packages, built on top of atcute.
Packages |
Core packages |
client : API client library |
lex-cli : CLI tool to generate type definitions for the API client |
OAuth packages |
oauth-browser-client : minimal OAuth browser client implementation |
Identity packages (work in progress) |
did-plc : validations, type definitions and schemas for did:plc operations |
identity : syntax, type definitions and schemas for handles, DIDs and DID documents |
identity-resolver : handle and DID document resolution |
identity-resolver-node : additional identity resolvers for Node.js |
Lexicon definitions |
bluemoji : adds blue.moji.* lexicons |
bluesky : adds app.bsky.* and chat.bsky.* lexicons |
ozone : adds tools.ozone.* lexicons |
whitewind : adds com.whtwnd.* lexicons |
Utility packages |
car : DASL CAR and atproto repository decoder |
cbor : DASL dCBOR42 codec |
cid : DASL CID codec |
crypto : cryptographic utilities |
multibase : multibase utilities |
tid : atproto timestamp identifier codec |
varint : protobuf-style LEB128 varint codec |
Bluesky-specific packages |
bluesky-richtext-builder : builder pattern for Bluesky’s rich text facets |
bluesky-richtext-parser : parse Bluesky’s (extended) rich text syntax |
bluesky-richtext-segmenter : segments Bluesky’s rich text facets into tokens |
bluesky-threading : create Bluesky threads containing multiple posts with one write |
contribution guide
this monorepo uses mise
to handle versioning, although it doesn’t really
matter. Node.js LTS is necessary to use the internal-dev-env
package for testing the client
package with the official PDS distribution, but otherwise you can (and should) use the latest
available version.
# Install all the recommended runtimes
mise install
# Runs all the build scripts
pnpm run -r build
# Pull in the latest ATProto/Ozone/Bluesky lexicons, and generate the type declarations
pnpm run pull
pnpm run -r generate
checking package sizes
to observe the size of packages (both install size and bundled size), there is a pkg-size-report
tool doing just that. you can also save the package sizes at a given time and inspect the impact of
changes to the final bundle size. the tool uses esbuild
to produce a minified bundle to get the
size of each entrypoint.
[!WARNING] run
pnpm run -r build
before running the command. otherwise, the command may not run, or give bad measurements.
# See the size of packages.
# If package sizes were saved previously, will also show the diff.
pnpm pkg-size-report
# Save esbuild metafiles and package size information.
pnpm pkg-size-report --save
# Save just esbuild metafiles.
pnpm pkg-size-report --save-meta
# Show only the packages whose size have changed.
pnpm pkg-size-report --compare
# Keep the result bundle produced by esbuild.
# Will be left in /tmp/[...]--[pkgname]--[random]
pnpm pkg-size-report --keep-builds