Merge pull request #162 from moonlight-mod/notnite/manifest-jsdoc
Add doc comments for the extension manifest
@@ -33,11 +33,17 @@ label: string;};export type BooleanSettingType = {+ /**+ * Displays as a simple switch.+ */type: ExtensionSettingType.Boolean;default?: boolean;};export type NumberSettingType = {+ /**+ * Displays as a simple slider.+ */type: ExtensionSettingType.Number;default?: number;min?: number;@@ -45,38 +51,60 @@ max?: number;};export type StringSettingType = {+ /**+ * Displays as a single line string input.+ */type: ExtensionSettingType.String;default?: string;};export type MultilineTextInputSettingType = {+ /**+ * Displays as a multiple line string input.+ */type: ExtensionSettingType.MultilineString;default?: string;};export type SelectSettingType = {+ /**+ * A dropdown to pick between one of many values.+ */type: ExtensionSettingType.Select;options: SelectOption[];default?: string;};export type MultiSelectSettingType = {+ /**+ * A dropdown to pick multiple values.+ */type: ExtensionSettingType.MultiSelect;options: string[];default?: string[];};export type ListSettingType = {+ /**+ * A list of strings that the user can add or remove from.+ */type: ExtensionSettingType.List;default?: string[];};export type DictionarySettingType = {+ /**+ * A dictionary (key-value pair) that the user can add or remove from.+ */type: ExtensionSettingType.Dictionary;default?: Record<string, string>;};export type CustomSettingType = {+ /**+ * A custom component.+ * You can use the registerConfigComponent function in the Moonbase API to register a React component to render here.+ */type: ExtensionSettingType.Custom;default?: any;};@@ -88,8 +116,21 @@ Restart = "restart"}export type ExtensionSettingsManifest = {+ /**+ * A human friendly name for the setting.+ */displayName?: string;++ /**+ * A longer description for the setting.+ * Markdown is not supported.+ */description?: string;++ /**+ * The "advice" to give upon changing this setting.+ * Can be configured to reload the client, restart the client, or do nothing.+ */advice?: ExtensionSettingsAdvice;} & (| BooleanSettingType
@@ -28,35 +28,124 @@ id?: Snowflake;};export type ExtensionManifest = {+ $schema?: string;++ /**+ * A unique identifier for your extension.+ */id: string;++ /**+ * A version string for your extension - doesn't need to follow a specific format. Required for publishing.+ */version?: string;++ /**+ * The API level this extension targets. If it does not match the current version, the extension will not be loaded.+ */apiLevel?: number;++ /**+ * Which environment this extension is capable of running in.+ */environment?: ExtensionEnvironment;+ /**+ * Metadata about your extension for use in Moonbase.+ */meta?: {+ /**+ * A human friendly name for your extension as a proper noun.+ */name?: string;++ /**+ * A short tagline that appears below the name.+ */tagline?: string;++ /**+ * A longer description that can use Markdown.+ */description?: string;++ /**+ * List of authors that worked on this extension - accepts string or object with ID.+ */authors?: ExtensionAuthor[];- deprecated?: boolean;++ /**+ * A list of tags that are relevant to the extension.+ */tags?: ExtensionTag[];++ /**+ * The URL to the source repository.+ */source?: string;++ /**+ * A changelog to show in Moonbase.+ * Moonbase will show the changelog for the latest version, even if it is not installed.+ */changelog?: string;++ /**+ * Whether the extension is deprecated and no longer receiving updates.+ */+ deprecated?: boolean;};+ /**+ * A list of extension IDs that are required for the extension to load.+ */dependencies?: string[];++ /**+ * A list of extension IDs that the user may want to install.+ */suggested?: string[];++ /**+ * A list of extension IDs that the extension is incompatible with.+ * If two incompatible extensions are enabled, one of them will not load.+ */incompatible?: string[];+ /**+ * A list of settings for your extension, where the key is the settings ID.+ */settings?: Record<string, ExtensionSettingsManifest>;+ /**+ * A list of URLs to bypass CORS for.+ * This is implemented by checking if the start of the URL matches.+ * @example */cors?: string[];++ /**+ * A list of URLs to block all requests to.+ * This is implemented by checking if the start of the URL matches.+ * @example */blocked?: string[];};export enum ExtensionEnvironment {+ /**+ * The extension will run on both platforms, the host/native modules MAY be loaded+ */Both = "both",++ /**+ * Extension will run on desktop only, the host/native modules are guaranteed to load+ */Desktop = "desktop",++ /**+ * Currently equivalent to Both+ */Web = "web"}