Merge pull request #150 from moonlight-mod/notnite/patch-improvements
Patch improvements
@@ -60,18 +60,11 @@ if (exports.patches != null) {let idx = 0;for (const patch of exports.patches) {if (Array.isArray(patch.replace)) {- for (const replacement of patch.replace) {- const newPatch = Object.assign({}, patch, {- replace: replacement- });-- registerPatch({ ...newPatch, ext:, id: idx });- idx++;- }+ registerPatch({ ...patch, ext:, id: idx });} else {- registerPatch({ ...patch, ext:, id: idx });- idx++;+ registerPatch({ ...patch, replace: [patch.replace], ext:, id: idx });}+ idx++;}}
@@ -103,7 +103,12 @@ }for (const [id, func] of Object.entries(entry)) {if (func.__moonlight === true) continue;- let moduleString = moduleCache[id];++ // Clone the module string so finds don't get messed up by other extensions+ const origModuleString = moduleCache[id];+ let moduleString = origModuleString;+ const patchedStr = [];+ const mappedName = moonlight.moonmap.modules[id];for (let i = 0; i < patches.length; i++) {const patch = patches[i];@@ -116,49 +121,58 @@ // Reset state because global regexes are stateful for some reasonpatch.find.lastIndex = 0;}- const match = testFind(moduleString, patch.find);+ const match = testFind(origModuleString, patch.find) || patch.find === mappedName;// Global regexes apply to all modulesconst shouldRemove = typeof patch.find === "string" ? true : !;+ let replaced = moduleString;+ let hardFailed = false;if (match) {- // We ensured all arrays get turned into normal PatchReplace objects on register- const replace = patch.replace as PatchReplace;+ // We ensured normal PatchReplace objects get turned into arrays on register+ const replaces = patch.replace as PatchReplace[];- if (replace.type === undefined || replace.type === PatchReplaceType.Normal) {- // tsc fails to detect the overloads for this, so I'll just do this- // Verbose, but it works- let replaced;- if (typeof replace.replacement === "string") {- replaced = moduleString.replace(replace.match, replace.replacement);- } else {- replaced = moduleString.replace(replace.match, replace.replacement);- }+ for (let i = 0; i < replaces.length; i++) {+ const replace = replaces[i];+ let patchId = `${patch.ext}#${}`;+ if (replaces.length > 1) patchId += `#${i}`;+ patchedStr.push(patchId);- if (replaced === moduleString) {- logger.warn("Patch replacement failed", id, patch);- continue;- }+ if (replace.type === undefined || replace.type === PatchReplaceType.Normal) {+ // tsc fails to detect the overloads for this, so I'll just do this+ // Verbose, but it works+ if (typeof replace.replacement === "string") {+ replaced = replaced.replace(replace.match, replace.replacement);+ } else {+ replaced = replaced.replace(replace.match, replace.replacement);+ }- if (patchModule(id, `${patch.ext}#${}`, replaced)) {- moduleString = replaced;+ if (replaced === moduleString) {+ logger.warn("Patch replacement failed", id, patch);+ if (patch.hardFail) {+ hardFailed = true;+ break;+ } else {+ continue;+ }+ }+ } else if (replace.type === PatchReplaceType.Module) {+ // Directly replace the module with a new one+ const newModule = replace.replacement(replaced);+ entry[id] = newModule;+ entry[id].__moonlight = true;+ replaced = replaced.toString().replace(/\n/g, "") + `//# sourceURL=Webpack-Module-${id}`;}- } else if (replace.type === PatchReplaceType.Module) {- // Directly replace the module with a new one- const newModule = replace.replacement(moduleString);- entry[id] = newModule;- entry[id].__moonlight = true;- moduleString = newModule.toString().replace(/\n/g, "") + `//# sourceURL=Webpack-Module-${id}`;}++ if (!hardFailed) moduleString = replaced;moonlight.unpatched.delete(patch);-- if (shouldRemove) {- patches.splice(i--, 1);- }+ if (shouldRemove) patches.splice(i--, 1);}}+ patchModule(id, patchedStr.join(", "), moduleString);moduleCache[id] = moduleString;try {
@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@export type Patch = {find: PatchMatch;replace: PatchReplace | PatchReplace[];+ hardFail?: boolean; // if any patches fail, all failprerequisite?: () => boolean;};