Merge pull request #172 from maddymeows/non-descript-branch-name
moonbase: don't set `hasUpdate` to false after installing an extension
Cynthia Foxwell 1 month ago 1 files (+0, -2)
@@ -274,7 +274,6 @@ const existing = this.extensions[uniqueId];existing.settingsOverride = update.updateManifest.settings;existing.compat = checkExtensionCompat(update.updateManifest);existing.manifest = update.updateManifest;- existing.hasUpdate = false;existing.changelog = update.updateManifest.meta?.changelog;}@@ -403,7 +402,6 @@ const newEnabled = typeof newState === "boolean" ? newState : newState.enabled;// If it's enabled but not detected yet, restart.if (newEnabled && !detected) {return updateAdvice(RestartAdvice.RestartNeeded);- continue;}// Toggling extensions specifically wants to rely on the initial state,