Merge pull request #153 from moonlight-mod/notnite/entrypoint-cleanup
Entrypoint cleanup
Cynthia Foxwell 1 month ago 6 files (+80, -111)
@@ -5,19 +5,17 @@ import { constants } from "@moonlight-mod/types";const logger = moonlightNode.getLogger("disableSentry");-if (!ipcRenderer.sendSync(constants.ipcGetIsMoonlightDesktop)) {- const preloadPath = ipcRenderer.sendSync(constants.ipcGetOldPreloadPath);- try {- const sentryPath = require.resolve(resolve(preloadPath, "..", "node_modules", "@sentry", "electron"));- require.cache[sentryPath] = new Module(sentryPath, require.cache[require.resolve(preloadPath)]);- require.cache[sentryPath]!.exports = {- init: () => {},- setTag: () => {},- setUser: () => {},- captureMessage: () => {}- };- logger.debug("Stubbed Sentry node side!");- } catch (err) {- logger.error("Failed to stub Sentry:", err);- }+const preloadPath = ipcRenderer.sendSync(constants.ipcGetOldPreloadPath);+try {+ const sentryPath = require.resolve(resolve(preloadPath, "..", "node_modules", "@sentry", "electron"));+ require.cache[sentryPath] = new Module(sentryPath, require.cache[require.resolve(preloadPath)]);+ require.cache[sentryPath]!.exports = {+ init: () => {},+ setTag: () => {},+ setUser: () => {},+ captureMessage: () => {}+ };+ logger.debug("Stubbed Sentry node side!");+} catch (err) {+ logger.error("Failed to stub Sentry:", err);}
@@ -6,23 +6,23 @@ app} from "electron";import Module from "node:module";import { constants, MoonlightBranch } from "@moonlight-mod/types";-import { readConfig } from "@moonlight-mod/core/config";+import { readConfig, writeConfig } from "@moonlight-mod/core/config";import { getExtensions } from "@moonlight-mod/core/extension";import Logger, { initLogger } from "@moonlight-mod/core/util/logger";import { loadExtensions, loadProcessedExtensions } from "@moonlight-mod/core/extension/loader";import EventEmitter from "node:events";-import { join, resolve } from "node:path";+import path from "node:path";import persist from "@moonlight-mod/core/persist";import createFS from "@moonlight-mod/core/fs";+import { getConfigOption, getManifest, setConfigOption } from "@moonlight-mod/core/util/config";+import { getExtensionsPath, getMoonlightDir } from "@moonlight-mod/core/util/data";const logger = new Logger("injector");let oldPreloadPath: string | undefined;let corsAllow: string[] = [];let blockedUrls: RegExp[] = [];-let isMoonlightDesktop = false;-let hasOpenAsar = false;-let openAsarConfigPreload: string | undefined;+let injectorConfig: InjectorConfig | undefined;const scriptUrls = ["web.", "sentry."];const blockedScripts = new Set<string>();@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ipcMain.on(constants.ipcGetAppData, (e) => {e.returnValue = app.getPath("appData");});-ipcMain.on(constants.ipcGetIsMoonlightDesktop, (e) => {- e.returnValue = isMoonlightDesktop;+ipcMain.on(constants.ipcGetInjectorConfig, (e) => {+ e.returnValue = injectorConfig;});ipcMain.handle(constants.ipcMessageBox, (_, opts) => {electron.dialog.showMessageBoxSync(opts);@@ -114,13 +114,6 @@ .join("; ");headers[csp] = [stringified];}-function removeOpenAsarEventIfPresent(eventHandler: (...args: any[]) => void) {- const code = eventHandler.toString();- if (code.indexOf("bw.webContents.on('dom-ready'") > -1) {-"browser-window-created", eventHandler);- }-}-class BrowserWindow extends ElectronBrowserWindow {constructor(opts: BrowserWindowConstructorOptions) {const isMainWindow = opts.webPreferences!.preload!.indexOf("discord_desktop_core") > -1;@@ -185,27 +178,6 @@ // Allow plugins to block some URLs,// this is needed because multiple webRequest handlers cannot be registered at oncecb({ cancel: blockedUrls.some((u) => u.test(details.url)) });});-- if (hasOpenAsar) {- // Remove DOM injections- // Settings can still be opened via:- // `DiscordNative.ipc.send("DISCORD_UPDATED_QUOTES","o")`- // @ts-expect-error Electron internals- const events =["browser-window-created"];- if (Array.isArray(events)) {- for (const event of events) {- removeOpenAsarEventIfPresent(event);- }- } else if (events != null) {- removeOpenAsarEventIfPresent(events);- }-- // Config screen fails to context bridge properly- // Less than ideal, but better than disabling it everywhere- if (opts.webPreferences!.preload === openAsarConfigPreload) {- opts.webPreferences!.sandbox = false;- }- }}}@@ -226,19 +198,24 @@ value: "BrowserWindow",writable: false});-export async function inject(asarPath: string) {- isMoonlightDesktop = asarPath === "moonlightDesktop";+type InjectorConfig = { disablePersist?: boolean; disableLoad?: boolean };+export async function inject(asarPath: string, _injectorConfig?: InjectorConfig) {+ injectorConfig = _injectorConfig;+global.moonlightNodeSandboxed = {fs: createFS(),// These aren't supposed to be used from host- addCors(url) {},- addBlocked(url) {}+ addCors() {},+ addBlocked() {}};try {- const config = await readConfig();+ let config = await readConfig();initLogger(config);const extensions = await getExtensions();+ const processedExtensions = await loadExtensions(extensions);+ const moonlightDir = await getMoonlightDir();+ const extensionsPath = await getExtensionsPath();// Duplicated in node-preload... oopsfunction getConfig(ext: string) {@@ -248,72 +225,58 @@ return val.config;}global.moonlightHost = {+ get config() {+ return config;+ },+ extensions,+ processedExtensions,asarPath,- config,events: new EventEmitter(),- extensions,- processedExtensions: {- extensions: [],- dependencyGraph: new Map()- },version: MOONLIGHT_VERSION,branch: MOONLIGHT_BRANCH as MoonlightBranch,getConfig,- getConfigOption: <T>(ext: string, name: string) => {- const config = getConfig(ext);- if (config == null) return undefined;- const option = config[name];- if (option == null) return undefined;- return option as T;+ getConfigOption(ext, name) {+ const manifest = getManifest(extensions, ext);+ return getConfigOption(ext, name, config, manifest?.settings);+ },+ setConfigOption(ext, name, value) {+ setConfigOption(config, ext, name, value);+ this.writeConfig(config);+ },+ async writeConfig(newConfig) {+ await writeConfig(newConfig);+ config = newConfig;},- getLogger: (id: string) => {++ getLogger(id) {return new Logger(id);+ },+ getMoonlightDir() {+ return moonlightDir;+ },+ getExtensionDir: (ext: string) => {+ return path.join(extensionsPath, ext);}};- // Check if we're running with OpenAsar- try {- require.resolve(join(asarPath, "updater", "updater.js"));- hasOpenAsar = true;- openAsarConfigPreload = resolve(asarPath, "config", "preload.js");- // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty- } catch {}-- if (hasOpenAsar) {- // Disable command line switch injection- // I personally think that the command line switches should be vetted by- // the user and not just "trust that these are sane defaults that work- // always". I'm not hating on Ducko or anything, I'm just opinionated.- // Someone can always make a command line modifier plugin, thats the point- // of having host modules.- try {- const cmdSwitchesPath = require.resolve(join(asarPath, "cmdSwitches.js"));- require.cache[cmdSwitchesPath] = new Module(cmdSwitchesPath, require.cache[require.resolve(asarPath)]);- require.cache[cmdSwitchesPath]!.exports = () => {};- } catch (error) {- logger.error("Failed to disable OpenAsar's command line flags:", error);- }- }-patchElectron();- global.moonlightHost.processedExtensions = await loadExtensions(extensions);await loadProcessedExtensions(global.moonlightHost.processedExtensions);} catch (error) {logger.error("Failed to inject:", error);}- if (isMoonlightDesktop) return;-- if (!hasOpenAsar && !isMoonlightDesktop) {+ if (injectorConfig?.disablePersist !== true) {persist(asarPath);}- // Need to do this instead of require() or it breaks require.main- // @ts-expect-error Module internals- Module._load(asarPath, Module, true);+ if (injectorConfig?.disableLoad !== true) {+ // Need to do this instead of require() or it breaks require.main+ // @ts-expect-error Module internals+ Module._load(asarPath, Module, true);+ }}function patchElectron() {
@@ -66,21 +66,20 @@ setConfigOption(ext, name, value) {setConfigOption(config, ext, name, value);this.writeConfig(config);},+ async writeConfig(newConfig) {+ await writeConfig(newConfig);+ config = newConfig;+ },getNatives: (ext: string) => global.moonlightNode.nativesCache[ext],getLogger: (id: string) => {return new Logger(id);},-getMoonlightDir() {return moonlightDir;},getExtensionDir: (ext: string) => {return path.join(extensionsPath, ext);- },- async writeConfig(newConfig) {- await writeConfig(newConfig);- config = newConfig;}};
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ export const ipcNodePreloadKickoff = "_moonlight_nodePreloadKickoff";export const ipcGetOldPreloadPath = "_moonlight_getOldPreloadPath";export const ipcGetAppData = "_moonlight_getAppData";-export const ipcGetIsMoonlightDesktop = "_moonlight_getIsMoonlightDesktop";+export const ipcGetInjectorConfig = "_moonlight_getInjectorConfig";export const ipcMessageBox = "_moonlight_messageBox";export const ipcSetCorsList = "_moonlight_setCorsList";export const ipcSetBlockedList = "_moonlight_setBlockedList";
@@ -8,18 +8,23 @@ import type { EventPayloads, EventType, MoonlightEventEmitter } from "./core/event";import { MoonlightFS } from "./fs";export type MoonlightHost = {- asarPath: string;config: Config;- events: EventEmitter;extensions: DetectedExtension[];processedExtensions: ProcessedExtensions;+ asarPath: string;+ events: EventEmitter;version: string;branch: MoonlightBranch;getConfig: (ext: string) => ConfigExtension["config"];getConfigOption: <T>(ext: string, name: string) => T | undefined;+ setConfigOption: <T>(ext: string, name: string, value: T) => void;+ writeConfig: (config: Config) => Promise<void>;+getLogger: (id: string) => Logger;+ getMoonlightDir: () => string;+ getExtensionDir: (ext: string) => string;};export type MoonlightNode = {@@ -35,13 +40,12 @@getConfig: (ext: string) => ConfigExtension["config"];getConfigOption: <T>(ext: string, name: string) => T | undefined;setConfigOption: <T>(ext: string, name: string, value: T) => void;+ writeConfig: (config: Config) => Promise<void>;getNatives: (ext: string) => any | undefined;getLogger: (id: string) => Logger;-getMoonlightDir: () => string;getExtensionDir: (ext: string) => string;- writeConfig: (config: Config) => Promise<void>;};export type MoonlightNodeSandboxed = {@@ -54,7 +58,6 @@ export type MoonlightWeb = {unpatched: Set<IdentifiedPatch>;pendingModules: Set<IdentifiedWebpackModule>;enabledExtensions: Set<string>;- apiLevel: number;events: MoonlightEventEmitter<EventType, EventPayloads>;patchingInternals: {onModuleLoad: (moduleId: string | string[], callback: (moduleId: string) => void) => void;@@ -65,14 +68,17 @@ localStorage: Storage;version: string;branch: MoonlightBranch;+ apiLevel: number;// Re-exports for ease of usegetConfig: MoonlightNode["getConfig"];getConfigOption: MoonlightNode["getConfigOption"];setConfigOption: MoonlightNode["setConfigOption"];+ writeConfig: MoonlightNode["writeConfig"];getNatives: (ext: string) => any | undefined;getLogger: (id: string) => Logger;+lunast: LunAST;moonmap: Moonmap;};
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ initLogger(moonlightNode.config);const logger = new Logger("web-preload");window.moonlight = {- apiLevel: constants.apiLevel,unpatched: new Set(),pendingModules: new Set(),enabledExtensions: new Set(),+events: createEventEmitter<EventType, EventPayloads>(),patchingInternals: {onModuleLoad,@@ -29,15 +29,18 @@ localStorage: window.localStorage,version: MOONLIGHT_VERSION,branch: MOONLIGHT_BRANCH as MoonlightBranch,+ apiLevel: constants.apiLevel,getConfig: moonlightNode.getConfig.bind(moonlightNode),getConfigOption: moonlightNode.getConfigOption.bind(moonlightNode),setConfigOption: moonlightNode.setConfigOption.bind(moonlightNode),+ writeConfig: moonlightNode.writeConfig.bind(moonlightNode),getNatives: moonlightNode.getNatives.bind(moonlightNode),getLogger(id) {return new Logger(id);},+lunast: new LunAST(),moonmap: new Moonmap()};