commit page icons
Anirudh Oppiliappan 1 week ago 2 files (+9, -9)
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ {"languages": {"HTML": {"prettier": {+ "format_on_save": false,"allowed": true,"parser": "go-template","plugins": ["prettier-plugin-go-template"]
@@ -65,13 +65,13 @@ <summary class="list-none cursor-pointer sticky top-0"><div id="diff-file-header" class="border-b cursor-pointer bg-white border-black flex justify-between"><div id="left-side-items" class="p-2">{{ if .IsNew }}- <span class="diff-type">A</span>+ <span class="diff-type p-1 text-sm bg-green-100 rounded text-green-700 select-none">A</span>{{ end }}{{ if .IsDelete }}- <span class="diff-type">D</span>+ <span class="diff-type p-1 text-sm bg-red-100 rounded text-red-700 select-none">D</span>{{ end }}{{ if not (or .IsNew .IsDelete) }}- <span class="diff-type">M</span>+ <span class="diff-type p-1 bg-gray-100 text-sm rounded text-gray-700 select-none">M</span>{{ end }}{{ if .Name.Old }}@@ -85,18 +85,17 @@ <a href="/{{ $repo }}/blob/{{ $this }}/{{ .Name.New }}" class="no-underline hover:underline">{{ .Name.New }}</a>{{- end -}}</div>- <div id="right-side-items" class="p-2">- <a href="#file-{{ .Name.New }}" class="no-underline hover:underline">top of file</a>+ {{ $iconstyle := "p-1 mx-1 hover:bg-gray-100 rounded" }}+ <div id="right-side-items" class="p-2 flex items-center">+ <a title="top of file" href="#file-{{ .Name.New }}" class="{{ $iconstyle }}"><i class="w-4 h-4" data-lucide="arrow-up-from-line"></i></a>{{ if gt $idx 0 }}- <span class="px-1 select-none before:content-['\00B7']"></span>{{ $prev := index $diff (sub $idx 1) }}- <a href="#file-{{ $prev.Name.New }}" class="no-underline hover:underline">prev</a>+ <a title="previous file" href="#file-{{ $prev.Name.New }}" class="{{ $iconstyle }}"><i class="w-4 h-4" data-lucide="arrow-up"></i></a>{{ end }}{{ if lt $idx $last }}- <span class="px-1 select-none before:content-['\00B7']"></span>{{ $next := index $diff (add $idx 1) }}- <a href="#file-{{ $next.Name.New }}" class="no-underline hover:underline">next</a>+ <a title="next file" href="#file-{{ $next.Name.New }}" class="{{ $iconstyle }}"><i class="w-4 h-4" data-lucide="arrow-down"></i></a>{{ end }}</div>