Init, innit?
Victor Bjelkholm 19 hours ago 11 files (+1425, -0)
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@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@+[package]+name = "memmut"+version = "0.1.0"+edition = "2024"++[dependencies]+anyhow = "1.0.96"+clap = {version = "4.5.31", features = ["derive"]}+env_logger = "0.11.6"+libc = "0.2.170"+log = "0.4.26"+rand = "0.9.0"+rayon = "1.10.0"+rustyline = "15.0.0"
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@+use rand::Rng;+use std::{+ io::{self, Read, Write},+ sync::mpsc,+ thread,+ time::Duration,+};++// This is a practice program to test if the main programs behaviour works fine+// This program has been validated and confirmed to work as expected with scanmem++// Structure to hold the "real" game state+struct GameState {+ // Internal values that control the actual game state+ values: Vec<i32>,+}++// Structure to manage what's displayed on screen+struct GameDisplay {+ // Pointers to copies of values shown to the player+ display_values: Vec<Box<i32>>,+}++impl GameState {+ fn new(count: usize, rng: &mut impl Rng) -> Self {+ let mut values = Vec::with_capacity(count);+ for _ in 0..count {+ values.push(rng.gen_range(1..10));+ }+ Self { values }+ }++ fn get_value(&self, index: usize) -> i32 {+ self.values[index]+ }++ fn set_value(&mut self, index: usize, value: i32) {+ self.values[index] = value;+ }+}++impl GameDisplay {+ fn new(count: usize) -> Self {+ let mut display_values = Vec::with_capacity(count);+ for _ in 0..count {+ display_values.push(Box::new(0));+ }+ Self { display_values }+ }++ fn update_from_state(&mut self, state: &GameState) {+ for (i, val) in state.values.iter().enumerate() {+ *self.display_values[i] = *val;+ }+ }++ fn get_display_ptr(&self, index: usize) -> *const i32 {+ &*self.display_values[index] as *const i32+ }++ fn get_displayed_value(&self, index: usize) -> i32 {+ *self.display_values[index]+ }+}++fn main() {+ let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();++ const LEN: usize = 10;++ let mut game_state = GameState::new(LEN, &mut rng);+ let mut game_display = GameDisplay::new(LEN);++ game_display.update_from_state(&game_state);++ let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel();++ thread::spawn(move || {+ let mut buffer = [0; 1];+ loop {+ if let Ok(_) = io::stdin().read_exact(&mut buffer) {+ let _ = tx.send(());+ }+ }+ });++ let mut refresh_counter = 0;++ loop {+ print!("\x1B[2J\x1B[1;1H");++ refresh_counter += 1;+ if refresh_counter >= 3 {+ refresh_counter = 0;+ game_display.update_from_state(&game_state);+ println!("(Display refreshed from game state)");+ }++ println!(+ "Memory Scanner Target (Realistic Game Structure) - Press ENTER for new values, Ctrl+C to quit"+ );+ println!("Displayed values (what you see on screen):");++ for i in 0..LEN {+ let display_value = game_display.get_displayed_value(i);+ let display_ptr = game_display.get_display_ptr(i);+ println!(+ "Value {}: {} (displayed at {:p})",+ i, display_value, display_ptr+ );+ }++ println!("\nInternal game state (would be hidden in a real game):");+ for i in 0..LEN {+ println!("Value {}: {}", i, game_state.get_value(i));+ }++ println!("\nPress ENTER to change all values...");+ io::stdout().flush().unwrap();++ if rx.recv_timeout(Duration::from_secs(1)).is_ok() {+ for i in 0..LEN {+ game_state.set_value(i, rng.gen_range(1..10));+ }+ game_display.update_from_state(&game_state);+ refresh_counter = 0;+ }+ }+}
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@+use rand::Rng;+use std::{+ io::{self, Read, Write},+ sync::mpsc,+ thread,+ time::Duration,+};++// This is a practice program to test if the main programs behaviour works fine+// This program has been validated and confirmed to work as expected with scanmem++fn main() {+ let mut rng = rand::rng();++ // Create an array of 10 random numbers+ // const LEN: usize = 10_000_000;+ const LEN: usize = 1000;++ let mut numbers: Vec<i32> = vec![0; LEN];++ for i in 0..LEN {+ numbers[i] = rng.random_range(1..10);+ }++ let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel();++ thread::spawn(move || {+ let mut buffer = [0; 1];+ loop {+ if let Ok(_) = io::stdin().read_exact(&mut buffer) {+ let _ = tx.send(());+ }+ }+ });++ loop {+ print!("\x1B[2J\x1B[1;1H");++ println!("Memory Scanner Target - Press ENTER for new values, Ctrl+C to quit");+ println!("Current values:");++ for (i, &num) in numbers.iter().take(10).enumerate() {+ println!("Index {}: {}", i, num);+ }++ println!("\nPress ENTER to generate new values...");+ io::stdout().flush().unwrap();++ if rx.recv_timeout(Duration::from_secs(1)).is_ok() {+ for i in 0..LEN {+ numbers[i] = rng.random_range(1..10);+ }+ }+ }+}
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@+name = "memmut"+description = "scanmem alternative with concurrent memory scanning"+tags = ["cli", "utility"]+langs = ["rust"]
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@+use anyhow::Result;+use rustyline::Editor;+use rustyline::error::ReadlineError;++use crate::process::Process;+use crate::scanner::{MemoryScanner, ScanValueType};++pub fn run_interactive_mode(process_name: &str) -> Result<()> {+ println!(+ "# Scanning for process \"{}\" like how pgrep -f works",+ process_name+ );++ let process = Process::find_by_name(process_name)?;+ let mut scanner = MemoryScanner::new(process)?;++ println!("Please enter current value, or \"help\" for other commands.");++ let mut rl = Editor::<(), rustyline::history::DefaultHistory>::new()?;+ let mut first_scan = true;++ loop {+ let prompt = if first_scan {+ "> ".to_string()+ } else {+ format!("{}> ", scanner.get_matches_count())+ };++ let readline = rl.readline(&prompt);+ match readline {+ Ok(line) => {+ let _ = rl.add_history_entry(&line);+ let line = line.trim();++ if line.is_empty() {+ continue;+ }++ if line == "help" {+ print_help();+ continue;+ }++ if line == "exit" || line == "quit" {+ break;+ }++ if line.starts_with("set ") {+ handle_set_command(&mut scanner, line)?;+ continue;+ }+ match parse_value(line) {+ Ok(value) => {+ if first_scan {+ match scanner.scan_for_value(value) {+ Ok(_) => first_scan = false,+ Err(e) => println!("Error scanning: {}", e),+ }+ } else {+ match scanner.filter_matches(value) {+ Ok(_) => {}+ Err(e) => println!("Error filtering: {}", e),+ }+ }+ }+ Err(e) => println!("Invalid value: {}", e),+ }+ }+ Err(ReadlineError::Interrupted) | Err(ReadlineError::Eof) => {+ println!("Exiting...");+ break;+ }+ Err(err) => {+ println!("Error: {}", err);+ break;+ }+ }+ }++ Ok(())+}++fn print_help() {+ println!("Available commands:");+ println!(" <value> - Search for value or narrow down existing results");+ println!(" set <idx> <value> - Set value at the memory address at index <idx>");+ println!(" help - Show this help message");+ println!(" exit/quit - Exit the program");+}++fn handle_set_command(scanner: &mut MemoryScanner, command: &str) -> Result<()> {+ let parts: Vec<&str> = command.split_whitespace().collect();+ if parts.len() != 3 {+ anyhow::bail!("Invalid set command format. Use: set <idx> <value>");+ }++ let idx = match parts[1].parse::<usize>() {+ Ok(idx) => idx,+ Err(_) => anyhow::bail!("Invalid index: {}", parts[1]),+ };++ let value = match parse_value(parts[2])? {+ ScanValueType::I32(val) => val,+ _ => anyhow::bail!("Only i32 values are currently supported for setting"),+ };++ scanner.set_value(idx, value)+}++fn parse_value(value_str: &str) -> Result<ScanValueType> {+ if let Ok(val) = value_str.parse::<i32>() {+ return Ok(ScanValueType::I32(val));+ }++ // TODO missing implementation for all the other types++ anyhow::bail!("Could not parse '{}' as a valid number", value_str)+}
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@+mod cli;+mod memory;+mod process;+mod scanner;++use anyhow::Result;+use clap::Parser;+use log::error;++#[derive(Parser)]+#[command(author, version, about, long_about = None)]+struct Args {+ /// Process name to attach to+ process_name: String,+}++fn main() -> Result<()> {+ env_logger::init();+ let args = Args::parse();++ match cli::run_interactive_mode(&args.process_name) {+ Ok(_) => Ok(()),+ Err(e) => {+ error!("Error: {}", e);+ Err(e)+ }+ }+}
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@+use anyhow::Result;+use libc::{c_void, iovec, process_vm_readv, process_vm_writev};+use log::info;++use crate::process::{MemoryRegion, Process};++pub struct MemoryReader {+ process: Process,+}++impl MemoryReader {+ pub fn new(process: Process) -> Self {+ Self { process }+ }++ pub fn read_memory(&self, address: usize, size: usize) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {+ let mut buffer = vec![0u8; size];++ let local_iov = iovec {+ iov_base: buffer.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void,+ iov_len: size,+ };++ let remote_iov = iovec {+ iov_base: address as *mut c_void,+ iov_len: size,+ };++ let result = unsafe {+ process_vm_readv(+ as libc::pid_t,+ &local_iov,+ 1,+ &remote_iov,+ 1,+ 0,+ )+ };++ if result == -1 {+ let err = std::io::Error::last_os_error();+ anyhow::bail!("Failed to read memory at 0x{:x}: {}", address, err);+ }++ Ok(buffer)+ }++ pub fn write_memory(&self, address: usize, data: &[u8]) -> Result<()> {+ let local_iov = iovec {+ iov_base: data.as_ptr() as *mut c_void,+ iov_len: data.len(),+ };++ let remote_iov = iovec {+ iov_base: address as *mut c_void,+ iov_len: data.len(),+ };++ let result = unsafe {+ process_vm_writev(+ as libc::pid_t,+ &local_iov,+ 1,+ &remote_iov,+ 1,+ 0,+ )+ };++ if result == -1 {+ let err = std::io::Error::last_os_error();+ anyhow::bail!("Failed to write memory at 0x{:x}: {}", address, err);+ }++ info!("setting *0x{:x} to {:?}...", address, data);+ Ok(())+ }++ pub fn read_region(&self, region: &MemoryRegion) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {+ let size = region.end_addr - region.start_addr;+ self.read_memory(region.start_addr, size)+ }+}
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@+use anyhow::Result;+use log::info;+use std::fs;+use std::path::Path;+use std::str::FromStr;++pub struct Process {+ pub pid: i32,+ #[allow(dead_code)]+ pub name: String,+}++#[derive(Debug, Clone)]+pub struct MemoryRegion {+ pub start_addr: usize,+ pub end_addr: usize,+ #[allow(dead_code)]+ pub permissions: String,+ #[allow(dead_code)]+ pub offset: usize,+ #[allow(dead_code)]+ pub pathname: String,+}++impl Process {+ pub fn find_by_name(name: &str) -> Result<Self> {+ // Search for process using pgrep-like functionality+ let proc_dir = Path::new("/proc");+ let mut found_pid = None;++ for entry in fs::read_dir(proc_dir)? {+ let entry = entry?;+ let path = entry.path();++ if !path.is_dir() {+ continue;+ }++ let file_name = path.file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy();+ if !file_name.chars().all(|c| c.is_digit(10)) {+ continue;+ }++ let pid = i32::from_str(&file_name)?;+ let cmdline_path = path.join("cmdline");++ if !cmdline_path.exists() {+ continue;+ }++ let cmdline = fs::read_to_string(cmdline_path)?;+ if cmdline.contains(name) {+ println!("Process found with PID: {}", pid);+ found_pid = Some(pid);+ break;+ }+ }++ match found_pid {+ Some(pid) => Ok(Process {+ pid,+ name: name.to_string(),+ }),+ None => anyhow::bail!("Process '{}' not found", name),+ }+ }++ pub fn get_memory_maps(&self) -> Result<Vec<MemoryRegion>> {+ let maps_path = format!("/proc/{}/maps",;+ info!("maps file located at {} opened.", maps_path);++ let maps_content = fs::read_to_string(&maps_path)?;+ let mut regions = Vec::new();++ for line in maps_content.lines() {+ let parts: Vec<&str> = line.split_whitespace().collect();+ if parts.len() < 5 {+ continue;+ }++ let addr_range: Vec<&str> = parts[0].split('-').collect();+ if addr_range.len() != 2 {+ continue;+ }++ let start_addr = usize::from_str_radix(addr_range[0], 16)?;+ let end_addr = usize::from_str_radix(addr_range[1], 16)?;+ let permissions = parts[1].to_string();++ // Only add regions with read permission+ if permissions.contains('r') {+ regions.push(MemoryRegion {+ start_addr,+ end_addr,+ permissions,+ offset: usize::from_str_radix(parts[2], 16)?,+ pathname: if parts.len() > 5 {+ parts[5..].join(" ")+ } else {+ String::new()+ },+ });+ }+ }++ info!("{} suitable regions found.", regions.len());+ Ok(regions)+ }+}
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@+use anyhow::Result;+use log::{debug, info};+use rayon::prelude::*;+use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};++use crate::memory::MemoryReader;+use crate::process::{MemoryRegion, Process};++#[derive(Clone, Debug)]+pub enum ScanValueType {+ #[allow(dead_code)]+ U8(u8),+ #[allow(dead_code)]+ U16(u16),+ #[allow(dead_code)]+ U32(u32),+ #[allow(dead_code)]+ U64(u64),+ #[allow(dead_code)]+ I8(i8),+ #[allow(dead_code)]+ I16(i16),+ I32(i32),+ #[allow(dead_code)]+ I64(i64),+ #[allow(dead_code)]+ F32(f32),+ #[allow(dead_code)]+ F64(f64),+}++#[derive(Clone, Debug)]+pub struct MemoryMatch {+ pub address: usize,+ #[allow(dead_code)]+ pub value_type: ScanValueType,+}++pub struct MemoryScanner {+ reader: MemoryReader,+ regions: Vec<MemoryRegion>,+ matches: Vec<MemoryMatch>,+}++impl MemoryScanner {+ pub fn new(process: Process) -> Result<Self> {+ let regions = process.get_memory_maps()?;+ let reader = MemoryReader::new(process);++ println!(+ "Successfully attached to process. Found {} readable memory regions.",+ regions.len()+ );++ Ok(Self {+ reader,+ regions,+ matches: Vec::new(),+ })+ }++ pub fn scan_for_value(&mut self, value: ScanValueType) -> Result<()> {+ let matches = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::new()));++ self.regions+ .par_iter()+ .enumerate()+ .for_each(|(idx, region)| {+ println!(+ "{:02}/{:03} searching {:x} - {:x}...",+ idx + 1,+ self.regions.len(),+ region.start_addr,+ region.end_addr+ );++ match self.scan_region(region, &value) {+ Ok(region_matches) => {+ let mut matches_guard = matches.lock().unwrap();+ matches_guard.extend(region_matches);+ }+ Err(e) => {+ debug!(+ "Error scanning region {:x}-{:x}: {}",+ region.start_addr, region.end_addr, e+ );+ }+ }++ print!("........ok\n");+ });++ self.matches = Arc::try_unwrap(matches)+ .expect("Failed to unwrap Arc")+ .into_inner()+ .expect("Failed to unlock Mutex");++ info!("we currently have {} matches.", self.matches.len());+ Ok(())+ }++ pub fn get_matches_count(&self) -> usize {+ self.matches.len()+ }++ fn scan_region(+ &self,+ region: &MemoryRegion,+ value: &ScanValueType,+ ) -> Result<Vec<MemoryMatch>> {+ // Basic implementation that scans a single region for matches+ let mut region_matches = Vec::new();++ match self.reader.read_region(region) {+ Ok(memory) => {+ // Simple implementation searching for i32 values+ if let ScanValueType::I32(target) = value {+ let target_bytes = target.to_ne_bytes();++ for i in (0..memory.len().saturating_sub(4)).step_by(4) {+ let mut matches = true;+ for j in 0..4 {+ if memory[i + j] != target_bytes[j] {+ matches = false;+ break;+ }+ }++ if matches {+ region_matches.push(MemoryMatch {+ address: region.start_addr + i,+ value_type: value.clone(),+ });+ }+ }+ }+ // TODO missing handlers for all other types+ }+ Err(e) => {+ println!(+ "Error reading region {:x}-{:x}: {}",+ region.start_addr, region.end_addr, e+ );+ }+ }++ Ok(region_matches)+ }+ pub fn filter_matches(&mut self, value: ScanValueType) -> Result<()> {+ let old_matches = std::mem::take(&mut self.matches);++ for m in old_matches {+ let addr = m.address;++ let data = match &value {+ ScanValueType::I32(_) => {+ match self.reader.read_memory(addr, 4) {+ Ok(data) => data,+ Err(_) => continue, // Skip if we can't read+ }+ }+ _ => continue,+ };++ let matched = match &value {+ ScanValueType::I32(target) => {+ if data.len() >= 4 {+ let value_bytes = target.to_ne_bytes();+ data[0] == value_bytes[0]+ && data[1] == value_bytes[1]+ && data[2] == value_bytes[2]+ && data[3] == value_bytes[3]+ } else {+ false+ }+ }+ _ => false,+ };++ if matched {+ self.matches.push(MemoryMatch {+ address: addr,+ value_type: value.clone(),+ });+ }+ }++ println!("..........ok");+ info!("we currently have {} matches.", self.matches.len());+ Ok(())+ }++ pub fn set_value(&self, index: usize, value: i32) -> Result<()> {+ if index >= self.matches.len() {+ anyhow::bail!(+ "Index {} out of range (have {} matches)",+ index,+ self.matches.len()+ );+ }++ let address = self.matches[index].address;+ let data = value.to_ne_bytes();++ self.reader.write_memory(address, &data)+ }+}